Are you ready to become a CERTIFIED trauma-informed ❤️‍🩹, holistic mineral balancing pro ☯️ and take your skills, confidence 👊, client outcomes, and coaching biz to new levels and beyond 🚀?

By Learning HTMA Through the Lens 🔎 of...
(the interplay between body, mind, and spirit ☯️) 

You'll be Positioned to...

So, you want to be a confident, high-level coach with great client outcomes and a thriving 💓 practice but...

  • You lack lab skills and knowhow
  •  You're seeking to add HTMA to your lab toolkit , or you've learned it but don't feel confident with the many nuances of it 
  • You encounter client resistance and self-sabotage yet lack knowhow to effectively navigate it so that your clients can actually get results
  • You've learned a lot of labs, supplement protocols, and basic lifestyle and stress reduction recommendations, but you don't feel confident in your transformational coaching skills (most programs don't teach this!)
  • Most clients have already done tons of labs and supplements and/or don't have money to invest in doing tons more, so how is recommending more of this approach going to help? (Per Einstein, this is the definition of insanity!)
  • Client cases are becoming more complex and what you're currently doing (the standard functional model) isn't cutting it and doesn't go deep enough
  • You know the importance of nervous system regulation and healing trauma but you lack the knowhow to truly coach clients through it (hint: it's not just telling them to breathe, manage stress, and meditate)
  • You feel the need to  "fix" your clients and that you're responsible for their outcomes. This leaves you drained.
  • You lack effective business and marketing knowhow. This leads to working hard but not gaining momentum and therefore, not earning a sustainable living. 🙁
  • You're burned out and struggling with your own health, which makes building your own business daunting

If you're ready to ditch self doubt, an outdated functional medicine model, and feeling like you're missing the mark in some way and want more  confidence,  better client results, and more success in your coaching practice 🚀, then Holistic HTMA Pro is for YOU!

What Our Students Say 🙌 

We feel your struggle ❤️‍🩹. We've been in similar shoes. We invested tons of time, energy, and money in numerous programs, learned tons of labs and supplement protocols, but still felt we didn't know or were doing enough 😩.

We were attached to a  biochemical-dominant approach yet continued with it because that's what we knew and felt the safest doing. 🤷‍♀️  But the hard truth is it's outdated and doesn't work. 👎 We found a more dynamic ☯️ and effective way that helped us build six figure wellness practices 🙌. 

What Our Students Say 🙌 ...

We set out to create a trauma-informed ❤️‍🩹 HTMA training program like no other 🤩-- one that we wish we had  when first learning functional medicine, including HTMA.

The solution is 🥁...

Holistic HTMA Pro - Practitioner Certification Program

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Training Through the Lens of Psychoneuroimmunology

Holistic HTMA Pro Is...

A one of a kind 12-module self-study (no live sessions) practitioner certification program that provides comprehensive and truly holistic training on interpreting and implementing the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) through the lens of the impact of trauma, psychoneuroimmunology, which is the interplay between the body, mind, and spirit, epigeneticswhole-person/whole-system healing, and transformational coaching.

The program provides a wealth of knowledge, tools, strategies, and Community support for learning how to guide clients to become empowered self-healers, awaken their healer within, help become aware of and shift patterns that don't serve them, and create sustainable wellness in body, mind, and spirit - and build a thriving coaching business.

With Holistic HTMA Pro...

✅ You'll learn the tools 🧰 and strategies to be highly skilled, confident and assured in interpreting and implementing the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) within a holistic approach that considers the entire personbody, mind, and spirit...

An approach that helps clients break through resistance and self-sabotage and get better results.

 You'll be able to dive deeper using HTMA as a tool, because when interpreted skillfully, it provides more in-depth, highly-actionable data than multiple other functional labs can, and for a fraction of the cost - saving your clients BIG $$$, that can be invested in more strategic ways

What Our Students Say 🙌 ...

Imagine This! 💭

Imagine shifting from an "expert" approach and merely creating prescriptive protocols to becoming a catalyst of change, collaborator and co-creator in helping clients become their own best self-healers.

How would it feel to see your clients succeed and have you to thank for supporting them in a way nobody else has?

“I'm having much more honest conversations with clients regarding mindset, habits, stress patterns, and stuck emotions and trauma.” - Carol Wilson, Women's Health Coach

“HTMA is by far the best functional test we can offer our clients, and it's a must. But if you want to take a step further and stand out from the crowd, adding this course's psychology piece into your practice will make an even bigger change in your client results and overall business. You'll develop a deep understanding of the body-mind-spirit connection and realize that without working with clients in this capacity, sustainable healing won't happen.”
 - Nathalia Sanchez, Nutritional Therapy Mental Health Coach

“Big Lightbulb!! I want to move clients away from allopathic protocols and treatment plans confidently.  This course has helped me to start making that shift as I now have clarity, strategy, and confidence" - Rebecca Buhlman, BHSc, Nutritionist

How can minerals and learning HTMA in a deeper way help? 🤔

Minerals are cofactors and catalysts to nearly every single cellular process, and that...

Mineral and toxic element patterns in hair are not only a window into how bodily systems are functioning at the cellular level but also a mirror of the impact of trauma and the mental and emotional body.

Allowing you to have deeper conversations with your clients about the physical and psychological factors that led to their health struggles helping them bring more awareness to true root cause solutions.

Talk about a 🔑 to health and wellbeing -- and therefore, an incredible coaching tool!

What Our Students Say 🙌 ...

In creating this program, we pulled from and synthesized wisdom gained from our lived experiences and studies in nutrition,  functional and lifestyle medicine,  the mind-body connection, psychology, transformational coaching, neural linguistic programming, energy healing, business and marketing, and more! 

How Would it Feel 💬...?

How would it feel to be SO dynamic and skilled in whole-person mineral balancing that you're highly sought-after with a waiting list of clients eager to work with you?

Truly, how would this feel?

How would it change your life to have the success you want and deserve?

Your Game-Plan for Success 🎯: Curriculum At-a-Glance

  • Orientation Module: Programs Ins and Outs, Account Set Up, & Setting Yourself up for Success
  • Module 1: Foundations and Fundamentals of a Trauma-Informed, Body-Mind-Spirit Approach
  • Module 2: Single Mineral Value Interpretation (physical and metaphysical)
  • Module 3: Significant Ratios & What They Reveal (physical and metaphysical)
  • Module 4: Significant Mineral Patterns & Other Imbalances (physical and metaphysical)
  • Module 5: Toxic Elements & Detoxification (physical and metaphysical)
  • Module 6: Working with Metaphysical Drivers of Mineral Imbalances & Dis-ease
  • Module 7: Mid-Term Review; Bringing it all Together
  • Module 8: Co-Creating Customized Holistic Self-Healing Plans Part I (Case Studies)
  • Module 9: Co-Creating Customized Holistic Self-Healing Plans Part II (Case Studies)
  • Module 10: How to Structure & Facilitate an Effective Initial HTMA Results Coaching Session
  • Module 11: Retesting, Maintenance, & Further Investigation
  • Module 12: Using the HTMA to Build Your Business (Practical Strategies to Turn Your Wisdom into $$$$)

Download a PDF of the detailed curriculum HERE

Two Instructors 👩‍🏫💁🏻‍♀️ -- Because Two Mentors are Better Than One!

Jennifer Ellis-Schuetz, MSc, FDN-P

Former High School Teacher, Soccer Coach, & Counselor
MSc in Counseling & Psychology
Chronic Illness & Complex PTSD Warrior
Functional Health Practitioner & Transformational Coach
Founder of Wellness Code Academy

Sara Korzeniewski, RD, FDN-P, CWCP

Simple Girl from the Midwest, Now Arizona Resident
BSc in Nutrition & Dietetics, Registered Dietitian
Chronic Health Challenges Warrior
Functional Health Practitioner & Transformational Coach
Founder of The Organic Dietitian

TONS of Done-For-You Invaluable 💫 Tools and Resources Included!
(that no other program offers)

The MMP - A Closer Look! 

MMP stands for Mineral & Metabolic Imbalances Profile Analyzer.

This is our proprietary, one-of-a-kind, fillable practitioner resource tool designed to help reinforce your learning of the many nuances of the HTMA,  streamline and organize interpretation, and deliver dynamic, highly-organized results sessions to your clients with confidence, ease, and flow.

Our students agree!

 "OMG the MMP!!!🤩 This program includes SO many amazeballs 🤗 done-for-you guides and tools, but this resource alone was worth the investment in the program. It takes any confusion away. It's mind-blowing GOOD!"

What Our Students Say 🙌 ...

Our mission is to deliver an epic and enriching educational experience.

The only thing standing between you and a thriving coaching practice is Holistic HTMA Pro.

What Else is Included?

The dynamic body-mind-spirit ☯️ curriculum and abundance of done-for-you, ready-to-use ancillary resources are your solution for TONS of SAVED time, energy, and money💰 -- and building a kick-ass 🎖️ coaching business.  

Practical Biz and Marketing Strategies for Creating Financial Freedom!

We understand, firsthand, that passion alone is not enough to build a successful coaching practice. Effective and strategic business and marketing strategies are essential for thriving in this field.

That is why we have woven practical and effective strategies throughout the program and dedicated a full module to this topic.

These strategies can be implemented immediately and will help you attract new clients, increase your prices with confidence, and ultimately achieve the financial 💸 freedom and lifestyle you have always dreamt of

11 In-Depth Case Study Reviews

Learning through real-world application is the most effective way of integrating new wisdom.

In the spirit of this, to help familiarize you with the process and build your confidence, this program will guide you through each stage of interpreting and implementing the HTMA by reviewing a variety of real life case studies.  From assessing clients health history, lifestyle habits, HTMA results and MMP, to co-creating action steps and transformational coaching skills.

Additionally, you'll be provided with two practice case studies to complete to further solidify your understanding and enhance your ability to apply the process confidently.  Some of the case studies also include retest reviews so you can continue to work with HTMA beyond initial assessments.  Since balancing minerals is a process that can't be done with just one HTMA we want you to be prepared!👍

Support via The In-House Online Community  

All enrollees gain access to the in-house, interactive Wellness Code Academy Holistic HTMA Pro Community as they work through the program content.  

This is where you will get support, post your own client cases for feedback, ask questions, and interact with us and other program participants as you work through the program.   

 EXCLUSIVE Membership Invitation

After 16 weeks from the date of your enrollment, you'll have the option to join the the WCA Professional Membership, not available to the public, for a low monthly investment.

The membership includes access to the Wellness Code Professional Community as well as bi-monthly LIVE sessions (for case study reviews and business development) and quarterly special presentations with guest speakers. 

What Our Students Say 🙌 ...

Some of the topics covered in Holistic HTMA Pro include:

  • Looking upstream of upstream; the TRUE root causes of chronic dis-ease
  • The hidden impact of unresolved trauma and unsupportive subconscious programs
  • Minerals and toxic elements as a mirror of unresolved trauma and the mental and emotional body
  • The interplay between physiology and psychology and whole-person mineral and nutritional balancing
  • Strategies for awakening the healer within
  • Foundations of nutrition for cellular health and gut healing
  • 7 steps for whole-system detoxification
  • Mineral patterns and mental and emotional blocks -- and strategies for overcoming them
  • Nervous system balancing fundamentals
  • A dynamic 7-step process for neutralizing and clearing stuck emotions and rewiring the brain for wellness
  • And SO much more!

"This course has been awesome!  The tools I've added to my toolbox are already improving client outcomes and growing me as a coach.  Really well done!  I'm WCA hooked and will soak up all offerings from you gals going forward.  You're stuck with me now!" - Heather Cooan, MBA, NTP, FDN-P, ONC

Balancing Minerals is NOT 🚫 About...

Balancing minerals isn't about simply taking supplements or learning to create protocols💊. They are tools in the process, but our motto is that less is more in most cases.  

And let's face it, most clients are already taking tons of supplements yet aren't getting better.

True mineral balancing entails a whole-person, whole-system, epigenetic, and quantum-coaching (energetic) approach.

It's based on the principle that we are natural beings governed by the laws and rhythms of nature. The further we deviate from these laws and rhythms, the further from health and closer to dis-ease we move.

Ready to become a certified Holistic HTMA Pro?  This life-changing experience awaits!

Ready to Become a Holistic Mineral Balancing Pro? 👊 

Investment: $2497 (US)

Do You Also Want to Learn Holistic Parasite 🪱 Cleansing? 

If so, you can get our Parasite Cleansing Mastery program at 50% OFF.
These two programs are a dynamic duo ☯️ to add to your toolkit 🧰.
You can check out the PCM program HERE.

Regular Price: $497(US)
Get it for $247(US) With This Bundle ONLY

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

This program is designed for those seeking to explore a truly holistic, whole-person, trauma-informed, and comprehensive approach to mineral balancing, healing and wellness.

It's not suitable for those who seek to learn how to interpret and implement the HTMA through a strictly biochemical lens, with linear, prescriptive protocols for addressing mineral imbalances.

We’ve recognized that simply substituting conventional labs and medications with functional labs and supplement protocols is not a functional or holistic approach. We feel it’s imperative that we shift away from this expert-based, outdated and ineffective paradigm prevalent in the functional health and wellness spaces.

What clients truly need is to empower themselves as self-healers. This program equips coaches and practitioners with the knowledge, strategies, tools, and resources to become guides and catalysts for change, assisting clients in this transformation.

In line with this philosophy, this program goes way beyond the biochemical aspect and embraces an out-of-the-box, whole-system, whole-person perspective, using the HTMA as a foundational investigative and therapeutic tool.

The program also emphasizes the development of interdependent, critical thinking skills and the integration of physiological and psychological concepts into one's unique approach.

Engaging in this type of program and educational style will likely challenge existing belief systems and approaches to healing and wellness. It may prompt individuals to make shifts in their personal wellness and coaching businesses.

This process can bring about discomfort and resistance to change, but it also offers opportunities for significant breakthroughs and personal and professional growth.

Sarah Chauvin, a graduate of the Holistic HTMA Pro program, encapsulates the essence of this program by stating…

"This program is for you if you are aligned with a deeper level of healing and learning how to un-learn a biochemical-ONLY approach to healing using the HTMA."

We haven’t taken all the HTMA trainings available but between us we’ve taken several.    

While they did indeed teach the ins and outs of working with HTMA and provide value, we didn’t feel they were holistic enough nor provide us with enough knowledge, tools, and skills to work with clients effectively at the trauma-informed, whole-person, and whole-system level that we’ve come to realize is essential for good client outcomes.

And this is not just our perspective. We’ve heard this from many others throughout the health wellness industry.  

Considering this, we’ve taken everything we learned and synthesized it into creating the course we wish we had when learning HTMA. 

While previous trainings will indeed support and enhance your learning experience and give you a foundation from which to build upon, this training is designed to be of great value as a stand-alone program and provide you will the skillset to effectively interpret and implement the HTMA through the lens of psychoneuroimmunology. 

We don't embrace or teach any specific philosophy or school of thought. We are anti dogma and anti  "standard" approaches or protocols. Rather we pull from various ones and teach a very well-rounded, whole-system, whole-person approach that emphasizes critical thinking, working with the client in front of you, and embracing bioindividuality -- theirs and YOURS! :)

Healing from chronic health conditions and the resulting life stress is a multifaceted process and therefore there is no such thing as a stand-alone tool to meet all needs. The HTMA, because of the vast amount of data it provides is an incredible tool to place in one's toolkit for a whole-person, whole system approach.  

Building a business purely around the HTMA can be successfully done as long as one is clear about that in their marketing, one is highly skilled at coaching their clients on the many stressors that the lab uncovers, and understands the limitations that come with a mono-focus.

Once again, we see it as a highly valuable component of a comprehensive, holistic approach, versus the entire approach.

Yes, they can! 

Though this program is a practitioner-level training, it will absolutely benefit motivated, self-starting non-practitioners seeking to learn holistic and trauma-informed interpretation and implementation of the HTMA to support their personal healing journeys. 

It's important to understand that all chronic dis-ease, regardless of the label, is caused by the same underlying body, mind, and spirit stressors. The degree to which specific stressors are an issue and how they manifest will vary from person to person based one's unique life experiences, environmental exposures, and underlying predispositions.

Healing and building sustainable wellness is all about removing stressors and creating the correct environment inside and outside the body so that health can follow.

The HTMA is a dynamic investigative tool that supports this process by providing a big picture look into how the different body systems are functioning at the cellular level, toxic burden and detox capacity, and the impact of trauma and the mental and emotional body.

The data can then be used to help guide the co-creation of bio-individual, whole-person, and whole-system self-healing plans.

Outside of  what’s listed in the curriculum on the landing page, here’s just a sneak peek of some of the specific topics we’ll cover:
•Psychoneuroimmunology, Resilience, and Neural Rewiring  
•The Stress-Trauma-Pain-Illness Connection  
•The Bidirectional Relationship of Physiology and Psychology
•What to Know About Trauma
•Classic Signs of Trauma to Look for in Clients
•What is HTMA? Why Minerals? Why HTMA?
•The Stress Cascade and Chronic Cell Danger Response Mode
•How Chronic Dis-ease Unfolds & What’s Truly Needed to Heal From it
•Metabolic Types
•Gut Health Foundations, Eating to Reduce Inflammation, Blood Sugar 101
•Mineral Patterns Up Close (Physiological & Psychological Connections)
•Iodine, Copper, and Iron Issues
•Nervous System Fundamentals and Balancing
•Increasing Emotional Intelligence and Moving Beyond Mental/Emotional Blocks
•Transformational Coaching Tools, Techniques, & Strategies
•And SO much more!

You can also download a PDF of the full curriculum in section labeled " The Program Curriculum At-A-Glance" above, on this page.

Nope! Though we highly suggest setting a goal to finish the program within 16 weeks, which the length of time you'll have access to the Community, this program has no time limit for finishing it and therefore you can work at your own pace.

After 16 weeks from the date of your enrollment, you'll have the option to the join the WCA Professional Membership, which includes continued Community access as well as bi-monthly live sessions for case-studies and clinical, coaching skills, and business and marketing development as well as and quarterly special presentations with guest speakers.

The membership is fully explained inside the program curriculum. 

Yes, all students will have access to the student portal and course materials for the life of the program. In other words, as long as the program you enrolled in is running, you'll have access to it.

This depends on what type of a learner you are, how you work best, and the time frame in which you'd like to finish the program.

To finish the program within the 16 weeks that you have access to support in the Community, we suggest setting aside 30 minutes to an hour or more per day or perhaps a few hours two or three days week to dedicate to the program.

Whatever schedule you choose, it's important to commit to it as success at anything in life commands taking consistent action. 

Certification is based on:

•Mindful and focused consumption of all program content

•Professional and respectful conduct at all times
•Post your top 3 KEY TAKEAWAYS for each module as you complete it inside the Wellness Code Academy Community. NOTE: These don't need to be extensive; they can be 1-2 sentences each in bullet-point format if you choose. They just need to depict your focus on and mindful engagement with the material and ability to put thoughts in your own words, not simply copying verbiage from the PPT presentations or other learning materials.

•Successful completion (90% or better) of all the online module quizzes/comprehension checks (multiple-choice format/ten questions each). You can take quizzes 3x.

•Completion of 2 practice HTMA case studies
•120-question, open-note, multiple-choice/true-false/matching format final exam, where 100 questions will be the same from the module quizzes, and the other 20 will come from the module materials. For this reason, we highly recommend printing off a hard copy of the PDF versions of the quizzes and keeping track of the correct answers after completing the online versions. You can take the exam 3x.

•Final personal reflection and feedback assignment

You can ask questions on each lesson, and also inside of the Community, which you get access to for 16 weeks. After 16 weeks, for continued Community access, you can opt to join the WCA Professional Membership.

We prefer, use, and recommend Trace Elements Lab but if for some reason an account with this lab is not available due to world location or some other circumstance, then our second go to would be Analytical Research Lab.

Here are the stipulations for establishing an account with Trace Elements Lab:

•Need an EIN (employee identification number), which one gets when they form a business entity of some kind such as an LLC

•Need a health practitioner/coach training certificate of some kind. It doesn't need to be HTMA-specific, so if you already have one you can proceed and if not, this program will count.
•New York and California or New York -- Due to restrictive laws, the lab cannot accept hair samples from NY or grant accounts to any practitioner that lives there. CA --ONLY licensed practitioners can get accounts (as of late 2022). The workaround is to order the lab for your clients through Sara for a small fee.
•International practitioners need to contact Trace Elements Lab and ask them to give you the contact for a cooperating lab closest to you but will also need to establish a US account if you work with clients in the US.

The short answer is no.

But the longer answer is that each country and each state in the US has their own rules and regulations for working with clients in this capacity and providing guidance in terms of nutrition, supplements, and other life-style medicine-based healing interventions.  

It’s up to each practitioner to become informed of the laws where they live and ensure they work within their scope of practice per the legal parameters.  

Well, in the training we teach all about the dynamic interplay and bidirectional relationship between these factors.

Our personal and professional experience has shown us that we cannot heal one without the other and we’ve come to realize that our past health and wellness trainings greatly lacked in the realm of working with and healing psychology.  

In the spirit of this, this program gives equal attention to both as it takes participants deep into the realms of psychoneuroimmunology. 

As stated on the landing page and in a previous answer, this program teaches a trauma-informed, whole-person, whole system approach to mineral balancing.

And this model of healing and wellness there is no such thing as specific protocols.

Considering this, you’ll be provided with the knowledge, resources, skills, and tools to embrace bio-individuality, learn how to meet the needs of and work with the client sitting in front of you, and collaborate with them to co-create strategic and effective self-healing plans.

Yes, the training will cover the connection between clusters of beliefs and mental and emotional blocks associated with specific mineral patterns but it’s important to understand that there are many complexities and nuances to this that can’t be reduced to specific, concrete lists or ways of helping clients resolve them.

Once again, you’ll be provided with the knowledge, resources, skills, and tools to embrace bio-individuality, learn how to meet the needs of and work with the client sitting in front of you, and co-create strategic and effective self-healing plans -- including working with mental and emotional barriers. 

Considering that there is strong connection between minerals and gut health, YES, this program will cover the mineral derangement patterns most associated with digestive dysfunction and provide guidance and actionable steps for working with clients around healing the gut.

This said, however, this is a 12-week HTMA-specific training and not a gut-healing specific training. It’s not feasible to teach the HTMA in tandem with comprehensive education on how to heal the many different different digestive conditions, all the different ways of clearing parasites and other gut pathogens, and healing and sealing the gut in this program.

Additionally, it's important to understand that clearing parasites and other gut pathogens begins with foundations, optimizing detox pathways, clearing toxicity, optimizing nutrient status, eating to reduce inflammation, and creating the environment inside of the body and in one's life, so they're NOT conducive to parasites and other pathogens, which this course absolutely does, and MORE!

Covering everything one needs to know about addressing parasites and other gut pathogens would be an entire course all on its own.

This said,, we provide in-depth, comprehensive gut-healing education (including pathogen eradication) in our 1-year Wellness Code Holistic Healing, Wellness, and Life Optimization Practitioner Certification Program, 3 full modules. You can learn more HERE.  

We’ll be introducing it, discussing how it’s used in tandem with the HTMA, and providing a demonstration of it in action but again, this is a 12-week HTMA-specific training and not an energy-testing training.

If you’d like to learn this, it is part of the 1-year Wellness Code Holistic Healing, Wellness, and Life Optimization Practitioner Certification Program. You can learn more HERE.  

There's an option to purchase a 1:1 HTMA Results Session after module 6. It's after module 6 because the purpose of this 1:1 session is not for us to provide you with personalized health coaching services but rather to support and deepen your learning of mineral balancing. There is no better way to learn mineral balancing than to do it for ourselves. 

Additionally, this option is for you only, it cannot be used for family members or anybody else. 

We've partnered with, who offers various extended low monthly payment plan options for both heath care and health and wellness related training programs such as this one to residents of the United States that qualify.

Simply visit their site and complete the application to start the process. Upon approval, funds are often available within days.

You can also request us to send you a Pay Pal invoice and they offer 6 months FREE financing to those that quality.