Holistic HTMA Pro -- FREE Sneak Peek 👀

Are you ready to get to know the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) through the lens 🔎 of psychoneuroimmunology and learn how it can help you STAND OUT as a coach, INCREASE your CONFIDENCE 😎, get BETTER CLIENT OUTCOMES 👊, and BUILD a THRIVING COACHING BUSINESS 🚀?

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If you're ready to ditch lack of confidence, playing small, using an outdated functional medicine model and feeling like you're missing the mark in some way and INSTEAD create more success 🚀 as a coach, biz owner, and/or self-healer, then this SNEAK PEEK 👀 is for YOU!

Holistic HTMA Pro Is...

A one-of-a kind self-paced practitioner certification program that provides comprehensive and truly holistic training on interpreting and implementing the HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) through the lens of the impact of trauma, psychoneuroimmunology (the interplay between the mind, body, and spirit) epigenetics, whole-person, whole-system healing, and transformational coaching.

The program provides a wealth of wisdom, tools, strategies, and support for guiding clients to become empowered self-healers, help them become aware of and shift patterns that don't serve them, and create sustainable wellness in body, mind, and spirit -- and build a thriving coaching business doing it.

Two Instructors -- Because Two Minds are Better Than One!

Jennifer Ellis-Schuetz, MSc, FDN-P

Former High School Teacher, Soccer Coach, & Counselor
MSc in Counseling & Psychology
Chronic Illness & Complex PTSD Warrior
Functional Health Practitioner & Transformational Coach
Founder of Wellness Code Academy

Sara Korzeniewski, RD, FDN-P, CWCP

Simple Girl from the Midwest, Now Arizona Resident
BSc in Nutrition & Dietetics, Registered Dietitian
Chronic Health Challenges Warrior
Functional Health Practitioner & Transformational Coach
Founder of The Organic Dietitian

What Our Holistic HTMA Pro Students Experience....